AC to RL

 If you were to build a real car using the physics parameters of an AC car would it still be practical to drive?

You will find in most cases the answer would be no.

From more modders than you would expect and indeed Kunos themselves.

(The biggest culprit would be the springs falling out!)

Isn't this the minimum you would what from the simulation? AC can never replicate a real car as a simulation will never run anywhere near realtime. Let alone the compromises needed for a game.

But if your input to the Sim would not work in real life are you really simulating anything?

For every example of a user saying the physics are shit I can find a mod with physics that in the real world would be absolutely insane, that is lauded for its realism.

I hope to pass this test with my mods but I've done a shit tonne over the years and as I never finish anything you will find a lot that don't. 

But if you happen to know of errors which may be of importance please point them out.

Please refrain from saying the physics are crap or the FFB is lacking, or god forbid harping on about IP.

ps FFB is set from the front suspension geometry. Apart from the overall force level it can not be adjusted by the mod maker, unless they have some wiggle room in said geometry.

I last mentioned this when I just so happened to get the front geometry entirely wrong, in the now deprecated Formula Fords, so the point was somewhat lost.


  1. I've always found the arguement of "realism" extremely funny, because how many simracera have driven a Porsche 962 in real life? How the hell would they know if its digital versions physics are realistic or not?

    1. By comparing the irl laptimes. There is not a single chance in the world that a person sitting at home will ever produce the same kind of laptimes as irl race car drivers driving these cars to the max, So just like all these shitty F1 mods where people are uploading laptimes that the irl driver would do. It makes the mod not seem realistic at all.

      Especially when the mod is from the 1900-1980's where documentation of cars are either still locked away or lost to time. Having driven a lot of race cars in my time thanks to my job not even RSS,VRC or URD are getting things right. Either you make the car "realistic" or you make it fun to drive.

  2. Ok now take a car you use to drive in real life and you noticed the whole driving experience is completely different in a race game. Not only different gas/brake/clutch feeling, but also the view, the sound, nope you can not compare the same car in real life and in a computer game.

  3. I tried my Dacia Logan in AC and it's better IRL :D

  4. Your F1600 mod has helped me practice for real racing (given some suspension tweaking) despite what you said in the original post. Here's a vid demonstrating the realism via side-by-side comparison:

    1. Nice! Bazza ended up doing the physics for that one, as he had done more research and could punch some real numbers in.

    2. I'd be happy to look at your setups, I coul make 8.8 but by inflating the front tires to the max...
