Superkart International 250cc Twin -------- versions 20240719

NEW: Incremental improvements.

NEW: Quite a bit, graphics and physics.
Adjustable Caster.
NEW: AI fixed
NEW: Incremental improvements.
NEW: Incremental improvements.

Adjusted drag, 240 km/hr now possible.
Triangulated the rear suspension to further lock out any travel. Any millimetre wobble left from the physics engine could be considered as chassis flex.
version 20240719: COSMIC suspension

Feels good to me, but I ain't never driven one so who knows. (sic)

Formula Vee ------ version 20240710

Pushrod suspension. 'Zero Roll' monoshock rear. 1600cc

version 20240711: Updated to COSMIC rear suspension.

Jaguar D-Type ----------- version 20240710

Got a bit ahead of myself there. With the Fins and other versions I haven't migrated the LODs yet.

 For reasons. Impress me in the comments with what made me make yet another version of this car.

Also mention things I got wrong so I can fix them.

[DOWNLOAD Factory]   [extra Skin]

Single screen, finned and not.

NEW for this config' only, version 20240710: Tweaked UV mapping.

or Bookmark this server as you will often find little treats there.


version 20230901 NEW- Rear light fix, and co-driver selectable in setup.

Post rule change full screen, finned and not



One off upgrade double bubble 3.8l engine, no fin only


As run at Dundrod 2.5l de-stroked engine, finned only

Maserati 151/3 Drogo Coupe ------------------ version 20240710

 1964 configuration? As the original skins had AO baked into them they don't quite work, you can see that next to the rear window. Uses a CSP trick to create the Dedion rearend.

With the VAO patch that is AO on top of AO on top of AO and if you use one of the realtime AO shaders from CSP that equals 4xAO. That oughta keep at least one of my detractors happy.


version 20240629: Replaced blue carpet with plastic tarp. Blended the skins AO some, far from perfect.

version 20240710: COSMIC DeDion rear suspension with Camber and adjustable Toe.

Alfa Romeo Tipo B Monoposto 'P3' -------------------------- version 20240709

Tyres will run very hot, period correct, do not expect to get the temperatures anywhere near optimum.

Delete all previous versions i.e. 'legion_alfa_romeo_p3'
Delete all versions of the 1935 P3 i.e. the one with the DuBonnet suspension

version 20240709: Full COSMIC suspension, replicating the DuBonnet front suspension and the Torque tube live axle rear suspension with friction and hydraulic dampers.

AC to RL

 If you were to build a real car using the physics parameters of an AC car would it still be practical to drive?

You will find in most cases the answer would be no.

From more modders than you would expect and indeed Kunos themselves.

(The biggest culprit would be the springs falling out!)

Isn't this the minimum you would what from the simulation? AC can never replicate a real car as a simulation will never run anywhere near realtime. Let alone the compromises needed for a game.

But if your input to the Sim would not work in real life are you really simulating anything?

For every example of a user saying the physics are shit I can find a mod with physics that in the real world would be absolutely insane, that is lauded for its realism.

I hope to pass this test with my mods but I've done a shit tonne over the years and as I never finish anything you will find a lot that don't. 

But if you happen to know of errors which may be of importance please point them out.

Please refrain from saying the physics are crap or the FFB is lacking, or god forbid harping on about IP.

ps FFB is set from the front suspension geometry. Apart from the overall force level it can not be adjusted by the mod maker, unless they have some wiggle room in said geometry.

I last mentioned this when I just so happened to get the front geometry entirely wrong, in the now deprecated Formula Fords, so the point was somewhat lost.