Mercedes Autocross ------ version 20220816



To make previews edit LODs.ini. Change "FILE=LOD_INT.kn5" to "FILE=LOD_EXT.kn5", make your previews and then restore the file before attempting to go in game.

Scania Autocross -------- version 20220816




No, I don't speak French but, my Talking Dic' does

To make previews edit LODs.ini. Change "FILE=LOD_INT.kn5" to "FILE=LOD_EXT.kn5", make your previews and then restore the file before attempting to go in game.

Ford RS200E Rallycross ------- version 20220806A


For now the only Track with Official support is Croft SP Rally X, although it works on all tracks.

CSP required, Tyres/Physics very much WIP and experimental.



Ferrari 512M

  NEW:Small texture updates and second rear wing style.

NEW: 4K Skins. (2K backup included incase you need them)

Separate .kn5 files provided for previews.
Edit lods.ini to reference a .kn5 then right click the skin in CM to generate a new preview.
Remember to restore lods.ini to its original state when finished.

Porsche 917/10 Spyder ------ version 202200904


NEW: Tyre textures/material, Flames positions, and Disc glow.

NEW: 4K Skins


For shadows coming through the floor on this and I suspect other cars, a workaround is to disable 'Fake Shadows FX' in CSP settings.


Ferrari 333SP ----------- version 20220803


These versions use a different model to my other share.

NEW: Added Neutral indicator and Monza gearing.

NEW: Cockpit AO tweaked.


Le Mans Version

NEW: Added Neutral indicator.

NEW: Attached front roll hoop to chassis! Cockpit AO tweaked.


Porsche 935/77 2.0 'Baby' ------ version 20220802


NEW: Better UV map on front bumper, seat clipping/size, belts, gear stick position, and single turbo.

NEW: Lowered 25mm


Porsche 935/77 Works -------- version 20220802

NEW: Misc' refinements
AND: Thanks to contributors we now have CSP wipers and Every skin the car ran with.

NEW: Lowered 25mm